Car Wash Management

We provide management and consulting services specific to the car wash industry. We work with car wash owners and operators to improve safety, customer satisfaction and profitability. With over thirty years of car wash ownership and “hands on” car wash operation experience, we have the industry insight and knowledge to bring improvement to almost any car wash business.

Here are some examples of how we may be of assistance:
Financial performance: We will assess your business and work with you to provide you with a plan and the training needed to make the improvements that increase revenue.
Customer Service Training: We will help you improve your customer’s experience and make your company look great in the process.
Considering an investment in a car wash? Talk to us before you invest. We are a great resource for unbiased and candid feedback on the business you are considering. Proper planning  before you invest can be the difference between having a very successful car wash and just “buying a job”.
Financial institutions: Are you a lender that has taken possession or considering taking possession of a car wash? ABMI can keep the business open, manage the business properly and preserve equity.

Advanced Business Management Inc.